The use of images in the construction of a research path
The contribution is proposed as a consideration on the role or roles that
video and photography can assume along the evolution of an anthropological
research path starting from the observation of three didactic laboratories on the field launched between 2017 and 2021 in Venice and aimed at students of two high schools. Workshops conceived as exploration-analysis paths of an abandoned area, as the composition of a visual choral narration on it, and as construction paths of a relational terrain between generations starting from the sharing of images of places of the city.
In the stages of evolution, the laboratories have been given the opportunity
to observe the use of photography and video as sensitive surfaces to the detection of themes, aspects, traits of an explored context that can help define directions of gaze-investigation. They highlighted its value in terms of access to pieces of further knowledge that originate in a filtered subject-context relationship, mediated by a registration tool.
They have been a ground for observation with respect to the use of images
as an impulse to the flow of experiences-narratives, as the trigger for a common relational territory, as a visual memory to return to in the course of subsequent reflections that lead to and build a research path.
BONI, Stefano
Homo confort, il superamento tecnologico della fatica e le sue conseguenze.
Milano: Eleuthera
DELEUZE, Gilles. – GUATTARI, Felix
Rizoma. Roma: Castelvecchi
L’educazione come pratica della libertà. Milano: Mondadori
FRISINA, Annalisa
Ricerca visuale e trasformazioni socio-culturali. Novara: Utet
Antropologia come educazione. Bologna: Edizioni La linea
MARAZZI, Antonio
Antropologia della Visione. Bologna: Carrocci
MASTRILLI, Pamela - NICOSIA, Roberta - SANTINELLO, Massimo
Photovoice. Milano: Franco Angeli
PABA, Giancarlo
Movimenti urbani. Pratiche di costruzione sociale della città. Milano:
Franco Angeli
Spazi di gioco e autocostruzione, in Il bambino educatore. Progettare
con i bambini per migliorare la qualità urbana, Daniela Poli. Firenze:
SASSEN, Saskia
Territorio, autorità, diritti. Assemblaggi dal Medio Evo alle età globale.
Milano: Mondadori
SCLAVI, Marianella
Avventure urbane. Progettare la città con gli abitanti. Milano: Eleuthera
SIMONICCA, Alessandro
Antropologia dei mondi della scuola. Questioni di metodo ed esperienze
etnografiche. Milano: Mondadori
WENGER, Etienne
Comunità di pratica e sistemi sociali di apprendimento in studi organizzativi
, pp. 7-29, Milano: Franco Angeli
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ISSN Print 2499-9288
ISSN Online 2281-1605
Publisher Edizioni Museo Pasqualino
Patronage University of Basilicata, Italy
Web Salvo Leo
Periodico registrato presso il Tribunale di Palermo con numero di registrazione 1/2023