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Grassi, Paolo, Polytechnic University of Milan and University of Padua
Grasso, Erika, University of Turin
Grechi, Giulia, Università L'Orientale, Napoli
Gribaldo, Alessandra, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Grilli, Simonetta, Università di Siena
Groves, Thomas Martin Ronald, Webster University Thailand
Gruber, Martin, University of Bremen
Guell, Nuria, Visual artist
Gugolati, Maica
Guida, Cecilia, Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, Italy
Guidi, Matteo, ISIA Urbino
Guidi, Matteo
Güneş, Sare, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation


Habib, Hashmat, Indira Gandhi National Open University
Hakak, Yohai, Brunel University, Lodon
Hang Kwok, Brian Sze, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Harles, Marlène, University of Heidelberg
Harper, Krista, University of Massachussetts Amherst
Heng, Terence, University of Liverpool
Hilgenberg, Katharina, Independent filmmaker
Hill, Amanda, University of Central Florida
Holzinger, Geza J., Photographer
Hopp, Carolyn, University of Central Florida
Hosseini, Seyedeh Behnaz, University of Vienna, Austria
Hughes-Freeland, Felicia, Department of South East Asia - School of Oriental and African Studies

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