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D'Angelo, Lorenzo, University of Reading
Dan, Anat, The Department of Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
de Arriba, Raúl, University of Valencia
De Giosa, Pierpaolo, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
de Maffei, Camilla, Independent photographer
DeArmas, Nicholas, University of Central Florida
Delnevo, Ilaria, Comune di Chiavari, Chiavari (GE), Italia
Delouis, Anne Friederike, University of Orléans
Di Lella, Rossana
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia, University of Bern
Dragnea, Dorina, National Institute of Heritage
Dragone, Francesco
Drazilova, Monika, Department of Sociology, Andragogy, and Cultural Anthropology, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Dugnoille, Julien, University of Exeter
Dutta, Subhankar, Indian Institute of Technology

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