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Issue Title
Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Visual Ethnography. Tools, Archives and Research Methods Framing a Story of Possibilities: The Subjective Mood of a Participatory Photography Project in San Diego, United States Abstract
Marie Kofod Svensson
Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Dwelling. An Ethnographic Approach Fredens Havn. Politics of space and architecture in a little floating community in Copenhagen Abstract   PDF
Giuseppe Mazzarino
Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Ethnographically Grounded Music Videos: Experiments in Musical Ethnofiction From Music-Video to Musical Video Portraits Collaborative Production of Women's Ethnographies in Mozambique Abstract   PDF
Karen Boswall
Vol 13, No 1 (2024): Bodies in the mirror. Reflections on reflections Full Issue Details
Visual Ethnography
Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Art and Anthropology: Work and Life Full Issue Details
Visual Ethnography
Vol 11, No 1 (2022) Gadgets Campari e tappi di bottiglia. L’appropriazione dello spazio attraverso le cose in un bar di quartiere a Macerata Abstract
Denise Pettinato
Vol 12, No 1 (2023) Gavari of Mewar: a visual narrative of a tribal Performance ritual Abstract
Nikhil Kaithwas
Vol 11, No 1 (2022) Genealogy making and lineages in postsocialist China: Space, labor, and rituals under processes of heritagization Abstract
Marina Svensson
Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Ethnography and Photography Today: New Perspectives, Technologies and Narratives Greetings from Gela. A visual research on industrial imagery and a late-industrial territory Abstract   PDF
Chiara Scardozzi
Vol 8, No 2 (2019) Hallucination-based Ethnography. Imaginative Knowledge and the Ecstatic Side of Fieldwork Abstract
Chiara Pussetti
Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Dwelling. An Ethnographic Approach Homes: things and senses Abstract   PDF
Gloria Giacomelli
Vol 4, No 1 (2015) Honhat. The Name of the Land Abstract
Chiara Scardozzi
Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Art-Based Ethnography. Experimental Practices of Fieldwork How an image makes people move: Symbolic reality, civil disobedience and skills training on and off the stage of an Oxford University Theatre Production Abstract
Julien Dugnoille
Vol 13, No 1 (2024): Bodies in the mirror. Reflections on reflections How does a students’ neighborhood look? Visibility and heritage in Casal Bertone (Rome, Italy) Abstract
Fulvio Cozza, Mahtab Seyedabadi
Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Art and Anthropology: Work and Life How Painted Backdrops link Photographic studios: A case from Cameroon Abstract
David Zeitlyn, Valentine Nyamndon
Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Participatory Approaches to Visual Ethnography from the Digital to the Handmade Huchi - Honey Abstract
Martin Gruber
Vol 2, No 2 (2013) I suoni dell’albero. Il Maggio di S. Giuliano di Accettura Abstract   PDF
Maurizio Corbella
Vol 4, No 2 (2015) Il compadrazgo antropologico nell’arte indigena peruviana Abstract
Stefania Sebastianis
Vol 12, No 2 (2023) Il frigorifero, contenitore esistenziale. Laboratorio Permanente di Etnografia della Cultura Materiale (LAECM) Abstract
Francesca Sbardella, Mario Turci, Ferdinando Amato, Paola Bertoncini, Sabina Gala, Emanuela Ghirga
Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Collaborative Art Practices and Their Dynamics Il paese è dei paesani Abstract
Nico Angiuli
Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Collaborative Art Practices and Their Dynamics Il progetto ‘Cooking in Maxim Security’: fare ricerca in carcere attraverso un laboratorio di arte visiva Abstract
Matteo Guidi
Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Collaborative Art Practices and Their Dynamics Il sociale dell'arte sociale. Il bisogno di una mentalità Abstract
Emanuele Rinaldo Meschini
Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Art and Anthropology: Work and Life Imágenes maleables: experimentar el museo con la comunidad de La Pila Abstract
Pamela Cevallos Salazar
Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Ethnography and Photography Today: New Perspectives, Technologies and Narratives Images and "Interesting subjects" from the Colonies. Archive, Memory and the Conctruction of Otherness at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University of Turin Abstract   PDF
Erika Grasso
Vol 1, No 2 (2012) Immagini e suoni del maggio delle anime in Romagna: la ricerca di Giuseppe Bellosi e Giovanni Zaffagnini Abstract   PDF
Cristina Ghirardini
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