Year |
<< 2024 |
Issues published | 2 | |
Items published | 30 | |
Total submissions | 32 | |
Peer reviewed | 26 | |
Accept | 26 (100%) | |
Decline | 0 (0%) | |
Days to review | 0 | |
Days to publication | 0 | |
Registered users | 79601 (15575 new) | |
Registered readers | 79585 (15573 new) | |
Subscriptions | ||
Individual ONLINE: | 73 (2 new) | |
Institutional ONLINE: | 18 (0 new) | |
Institutional COMPLIMENTARY: | 2 (0 new) | |
COMPLIMENTARY Editors: | 3 (0 new) | |
Two Years Student Gift: | 70 (70 new) |